Maiden Heaven
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My mother first heard ‘Nach truagh leat mi’s t’un Eirinn’ (Na hu o ho') sung by the composer Kate Douglas from the Island of Skye and was enchanted by it as am I.
This was written partly when I was in America and completed in Phil’s studio near Beauly in Scotland – and we’re very proud of it! Phil had to even more cigarettes to get down to the really low bass notes for the backing vocals!
‘Bratach Bana’ is practically a theme tune of my father’s. “I can’t sing like Calum Kennedy, that’s a thing I’m going to remedy!” – so said Andy Stewart according to Dad! Anyway, it originally was supposed to be sung quite slowly and my father nearly got drummed out of the brownies when he first sang it and recorded it up tempo!
This song was written especially by David Shepherd for the unveiling of a statue of William Wallace at Stirling Castle. Sculptor Tom Church of Brechin carved this impressive work, which for all the world resembles Mel Gibson!
This is another gorgeous Gaelic song, one of the first I ever learned – the poor girl can’t sleep until her loved one returns.
This song has long been a favourite of mine – written by Dougie MacLean, it is a song of the sea. I completely empathise with this as my grandfather Kennedy drowned, never to be found. My Papa Gillies skippered a boat and my husband, Francis’ life is also involved with the sea.
‘Ae Fond Kiss’ is one of Burns’ best poems – sad and haunting. Phil and I recorded this as ‘live’ in his studio just improvising as we went. This is for Francis.
Every parent knows the bliss at the end of the day when peace reigns.
This song was written for me by father, Calum. The brief was to write a happy song where I get the best looking man in the village! A winner!!
A poem by Robert Burns and wondrous music by Barrington Pheloung. I think Barry must have a Scottish bit in him to write like this.
This song came about as a result of Dr. Ian Hughes searching for possible poems for Barrington Pheloung to set to music. Written by the Perthshire Poet William Soutar, it truly lent itself to Baz’s haunting melody. Get the hankie out!
This a tribute to my mother, Anne Gillies. She is and was Maiden Heaven. Written at Phil’s studio and at my home near Aberdeen, this song was a real labour of love. In many ways the result of our collaboration on this was unexpected and exciting. I hope you enjoy our efforts.